High Cholesterol : Best To Have A Blood Test As It Is The Only Way To Know If YOu Have High Cholesterol Levels...Better Be Safe Than Be Sorry....

High Cholesterol:

Reference Guide.

Cholesterol is a natural substance quite similar to our body fat, and is made by the human body, in the liver. Cholesterol is found in many animal-based foods such as meats, poultry, fish dairy and eggs.

Your body produces cholesterol naturally in the liver, because it is vital to certain body functions. However, when excessive amounts are in the blood, it can lead to very harmful and negative side effects.

Carried through the blood stream via lipoproteins, cholesterol is distributed throughout your body to help it digest fats, build healthy cell walls and create hormones necessary for life. However, too much Cholesterol increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Your body makes enough cholesterol needed for the healthy maintenance of your body. Thus, maintaining a normal cholesterol diet is important to minimize the health risks high cholesterol poses.

When your body is loaded with too much cholesterol, it begins to clog artery walls as your body distributes it throughout the blood stream. Over time, this unwanted plaque narrows or hardens the arteries, slowing or even blocking the blood flow. Your blood, and the oxygen it carries, is essential to your heart and brain. Restricting, or even reducing the blood flow can have harmful and damaging effects to your heart. If your blood supply is cut off or even reduced, you are at a greater risk of heart attack or stroke.

Normal, natural levels of cholesterol are good for your body. Increased cholesterol caused by an unhealthy diet of excessive meats and dairy products will cause plaque and hardened arteries.

There are no symptoms related to high Cholesterol, so it is important to have your Cholesterol checked regularly.

High Cholesterol Foods.

It is important to remember that all Cholesterol foods come from animal products. Meat, poultry, eggs, fish, cheese and milk. Also, anything food containing cholesterol. Like candies, cakes, ice cream and chocolate. Sadly, almost anything that tastes good is likely to have high in cholesterol in them.

Also, be aware of foods marketed as low in Cholesterol. Although the Cholesterol content maybe lower than usual, if the food is high in saturated fats, it will still raise your Cholesterol.

11 High Cholesterol Foods- Video

High Cholesterol Symptoms.

There are no symptoms of high Cholesterol. If your Cholesterol is not checked by a physician regularly, no one will know you have it until you drop dead.

If you are over the age of 20, it is best to have your cholesterol checked, once every five years. If you are a smoker, overweight or eat an unhealthy diet, you may be at risk for high cholesterol and should have your levels checked more often.

Most doctors believe that total cholesterol levels should be less than 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) of blood.

The LDL level should be below 130 and the HDL above 45 mg/dL.

Triglyceride levels should be below 200 mg/dL.

Although the average numbers vary between patients, knowing your Cholesterol levels is half the battle.

High Cholesterol Facts- Cholesterol is a natural substance, made by the human body, necessary for normal body function.

- Cholesterol from animal products is potentially dangerous to the human body.

- There are no symptoms related to high Cholesterol, so it is important to have your Cholesterol checked regularly.

- While normal, natural levels of Cholesterol are good for the body, increased Cholesterol caused by an unhealthy diet of excessive meats and dairy products will cause hardened arteries.

- HDL is the "good Cholesterol" your body needs naturally to function.

- LDL is the "bad Cholesterol" that clogs the arteries and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

- Most physicians believe that total cholesterol levels should be less than 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) of blood.

- You can treat your Cholesterol by reducing your fat and Cholesterol intake and exercising regularly.

High Cholesterol Symptoms.

There are no symptoms for highcCholesterol. If your cholesterol is not checked by a physician regularly, no one will know you have it until you are dead. If you are over the age of 20, it is best to have your cholesterol checked once every five years. If you are a smoker, overweight or eat an unhealthy diet, you may be at risk for high cholesterol and should have your levels checked more frequently.

Most doctors believe that total cholesterol levels should be less than 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) of blood.

The LDL level should be below 130 and the HDL above 45 mg/dL.

Triglyceride levels should be below 200 mg/dL.

4 Steps to Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels

If you like this video, click here for more:

4 Steps to Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels

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