Drugs Videos Everyone Should See - To Believe. Not From One Source Or One Authority But From Around The World...

The Drugs Videos

With the immense popularity of the internet and more people getting web savvy. There is no better way to self educate yourself than to watch a video on the topic.

Seeing is believing and hearing from the unbiased reports of experts are invaluable. Unlike what our doctors and tv advertisements tell us. They only want to treat us the way they were taught in medical schools which are mostly controlled by the big Pharmaceutical companies, to dispense their drugs and medication to improve their companies bottom line.

You don`t agree? It`s all right. You are entitle to your opinion. Is a free world... Well, I may not be able to convince you. But, wait a minute, see this video and I am sure you will change your mind!

Ex-Pharmaceutical Rep. Speaks Out

Still not convinced? Well, then take your time and go through the links below....If you don`t help yourself...Nobody will!

Click on the links to see the videos. Be educated and set yourself Free!

Big Bucks, Big Pharma Extra: Drug Costs and PR

Big Pharma big bucks pt.1

Big Bucks, Big Pharma Marketing Disease Part 2

Big Bucks Big Pharma pt 3

Statins found to INCREASE the risk of dying

Why having high cholesterol isn't always bad

In Why I would not take statins to lower cholesterol - Part 3 of 7

Cardiologist Refutes Relationship Between Cholesterol Levels And Heart Attack

Cholesterol and Fats in your Blood

Cholesterol and Heart Disease.